Faus - Technical Jargon and Partisan Rhetoric
Anorak - Up in Smoke

Anorak - My Own Haze

Systems - Ghost Medecine

Heffer Wolfe - Rats! Rats! Rats!

Baby Godzilla - Knockout Machine (ep)

Releaser - Self -titled album

Mooth - Slow Sun

 Pelgrim - Self-titled ep

Scumguts - Planetary Suplex

Dead Neanderthals - Meat Shovel

After Every Gunshot - Prepulse Inhibition (ep)
Jackals - Drone Punk

Cloudkicker - Subsume

Infinite in Azimuth - Accretions (ep)
Vessel - God.Queen.War

Euglena - Близость (ep)

Seminary - The Bow

Cloud Rat - S/T LP

PlasticBag FaceMask / Forest Whitaker -
Vegetus : Life on the Vedge (split ep)
Human Trade / PlasticBag Facemask  - Split

Black Dirty - Dirty Water (ep)

Apathean - Eve

Pornobot - Multi

Moths - Demo 2011

Marnero - II Sopravvissuto

Marnero - Naufragio Universale

Laghetto -Il Coraggio  Di Non Suanore 
Discografia (1999​-​2007​-​2011)

Noxious Foxes - Légs

Cellular Chaos - Self-titled ep

Phobh - Nykto

Not One is Upright - Beauty is a Fleeting Thing

Markus Reuter - Live in Bethlehem 2013

Rahab the Monster - Old Gods

Vira - Self -titled album

White Arms of Athena -  Ancient (ep)

Vaulting - Nucleus

Shipley Hollow - Post-Everything (ep)

Sulaco - Build & Burn

Tangaroa -
One Hand for the Knife, One Hand for the Throat

Tardive Dyskinesia - Crawling in the Mud
( 8min single + 2 Live Bonus track )

Tombstone Piledriver -
 Sleepwalker - ( 2 track demo)
Morgue - Barbed Wire Cranium (ep)

Half Milk - Kept Mang

Lightning Bolt - 20 ( Jam/ Raw Recording )

Lighning Bolt - I Found a Ring in My Ear
 ( Jam / Raw Recording )

Oblivionized - Nullify the Circle ( 2012 ep )

Unbeliever - For Now, We Survive

Heights - Trick of the Light ( 2 track ep )
Hella - Hold Your Horse Is